Appointment availability is dependent on both yours and the therapist’s schedules aligning.
Complete our matching assessment to find an appointment that works with your schedule.
Working with Dr. Jessica Groleau, Ph.D.
How do you approach the beginning of your therapeutic work together?
We all go through challenging times in life. When we have people we trust to support us, we can learn and grow through those tough times. For you, I will strive to be that safe person, and my job is to guide and help you when you need it the most.
What do you hope for your patients once you’ve concluded therapy?
My goal is to help you gain a sense of empowerment and increased confidence in your ability to handle future life stressors. By the end of therapy, I aim to help you harness the inner strength and resources you possess.
Exact office address hidden
Near Charlotte, NC 28202
Insurance Accepted
Frequently Asked Questions
No more guessing when it comes to your mental health care.
Choosing the right therapist for you and your needs is key to the success of therapy.
We help you sort who's the right therapist or counselor for you by taking a deep dive into your needs and preferences.
Jessica may be a good fit for you, but we’ll check for you.
If Jessica is a good match for you, you'll have the opportunity to to request a therapy appointment.
To help you reach our mental health goals, Jessica will show as an option for you to consider if they are a good match.
Jessica might not be accepting new patients and we believe that getting therapy when you're looking for it is key.
We assist you by showing you therapists who are currently taking new patients.
You'll tell us your needs and preferences in a therapist in about 9 minutes.
You’ll tell us about your current challenges and struggles.
First, we gather practical details like when you're available for therapy appointments and where you're searching for.
Then, we dive even deeper and use our science-backed system to find potential therapists for you based on your symptoms, struggles and hopes for therapy.
You'll then choose from a highly personalized list.
If we can't find someone for you instantly, we can even continue our search for you!
You'll likley have choice when it comes to when you start therapy.
When you're presented with therapists to choose from you'll be given their next availability.
Openings can be within the next day or two or the following week.
Often you'll have multiple choices among a curated listed of therapists and you'll see what openings they have for you.
Why use WithTherapy?
The science is clear: with the right therapist, you'll find it easier to open up, achieve better results, and get more out of therapy.
We create a personalized short-list of therapists matched to your schedule, location and needs.