Mental Health Resources

Mental health might seem like a mystery. It doesn’t have to be. Use our growing knowledge base to better and more compassionately understand yourself and others.

Search Results 94 Search Results For “stress”

Woman holding her neck in pain
Anxiety & StressLife Events & Trauma

Chronic Pain

…unexplained muscle or joint pain. Stress and anxiety: People with chronic pain may find that anxiety interferes with daily activities. Additionally, stress regarding pain, medical care, and medical costs, can…

domestic violence
Identity & DiscriminationLife Events & TraumaRelationships & KidsSelf-Image & Self-Harm

Domestic Violence

…online therapy sessions can help people heal from mental health problems, such as symptoms related to post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety disorders, and other psychiatric conditions. Forms of Domestic Violence…

mental health and creatives WithTherapy
Academics & CareerDepression & Bipolar

Mental Health for Creatives

…and work-related stress. Creatives face pressures unique to their work, which can contribute to their risk of mental health issues. Fortunately, there are several options available, including therapy, to help…

Black Man Leaning on a Ledge
Identity & DiscriminationLife Events & Trauma

Racial Trauma

…trauma are similar to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), racial trauma involves ongoing individual and collective experiences of trauma and repeated exposure to race-based stress. Individual, cultural, and institutional racism are…

Mental Health Challenges Related to Custody Issues
Relationships & Kids

Custody Issues

…like you’ve lost control of your child or that the visitation agreement is unfair. Stress: Custody cases can be incredibly stressful. You might experience physical symptoms of stress, such as…

Anxiety & Stress

Insomnia & Sleep Issues

stress level related to day-to-day life can result in sleepless nights and a late bedtime. Stressful events, like a traumatic event or the death of a family member, can hinder…

panic attack
Anxiety & Stress

What is a Panic Attack?

…otherwise. Panic attacks are often associated with both psychological and physical symptoms, including shortness of breath, racing heart, and chest pain. It’s normal to feel stress and discomfort at times,…

Understanding Your Mental Health

Understanding Your Mental Health

…and repetitive behaviors (compulsions) that can cause significant distress. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): PTSD involves psychological and physiological responses to a traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, car accident,…

Self-Image & Self-Harm


…agitated Feelings of stress and anxiety Self-esteem issues also affect young children and adolescents. Young children with high self-esteem are confident to try new things and feel proud of what…

What is Dysthymia? WithTherapy
Depression & Bipolar

What is Dysthymia?

…serotonin imbalances in the brain. Many factors are considered to contribute to depressive disorders, including environmental, psychological, biological, and genetic factors. Chronic stress and trauma are also linked to dysthymia…

what is emotional intelligence WithTherapy
Relationships & Kids

What is Emotional Intelligence

…difficult situations with social competence while managing your stress and mood. To find out more about emotional intelligence and what it means to have a high EQ, read on. IQ…

divorce and seperation withtherapy
Life Events & TraumaRelationships & Kids

Divorce and Separation

…to move forward. Sometimes, common feelings of anger, resentment, and stress during and after the end of a long-term relationship can take a serious toll on mental health. When challenges…

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